We currently offer three properties for rental: the Pavilion, the Farmhouse and the Garden Cottage, each of which was renovated and/or redecorated in 2024.
We have started and hope to complete the renovation of the Rectory for the summer of 2026.
Please click on Rental Properties in the banner above to discover each property.
We offer the possibility to rent the Château, any of its dependencies and the park for filming or photographic purposes.
We offer the possibility to stage a wedding or other important event with friends and family in the park of the Château or one of the rental properties.
We offer group visits directly and through the Maison du Tourisme in La Châtre, which can be reached by email accueil@pays-george-sand.com or telephone 02 54 48 22 64.
We offer access for individual visits uniquely on national events such as the Journée du Patrimoine, the Rendez-vous aux Jardins or the Nuits aux Châteaux.
In 2019, Christophe and Sonia decided to discontinue the commercial farm. In its place, we rented out most of the land and buildings to the Haras du Berry, a farm breeding and raising Friesian horses ( www.harasduberry.com ), and on the remaining land are operating a sanctuary for farm animals. At the moment this includes mainly the animals formerly on the commercial farm but we hope to soon be able to accommodate more animals.
Copyright ©2024 SASU Le Château de La Motte-Feuilly - All rights reserved.
info@chateaudelamottefeuilly.com ; +33 2 54 31 48 86